Good sleeping habits - «Беременность» » Клуб пап и мам «Кузюшка»
  • 05-июл-2022, 10:30

Good sleeping habits - «Беременность»

Periodically a child will need to sleep with its parents. It's reassuring to feel the warmth and hear their mummy or daddy's heartbeat. It also makes it easier for the person breastfeeding or feeding the child, and it is simpler and warmer to stay in bed.

Putting your baby to bed
Comforting your baby
Better sleep for your baby
Create routines for your baby
Helping your baby to sleep soundly 
Baby's sleep, 3–6 months 
Baby's sleep, 6–8 months
SIDS/cot death

Periodically a child will need to sleep with its parents. It's reassuring to feel the warmth and hear their mummy or daddy's heartbeat. It also makes it easier for the person breastfeeding or feeding the child, and it is simpler and warmer to stay in bed. Putting your baby to bed Comforting your baby Articles: Better sleep for your baby Create routines for your baby Helping your baby to sleep soundly Baby's sleep, 3–6 months Baby's sleep, 6–8 months SIDS/cot death

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